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The Beautiful Game 4

I see my life as a beautiful modular Game made up of a myriad smaller life-games. I call it The Beautiful Game.

The Beautiful Game is an interplay between Innerplay and Outerplay.

When we think of play, we usually think of Outerplay – play that manifests in the outer world. But Outerplay is only the tip of the iceberg.

Innerplay – or The Inner Game – is the invisible foundation that enables and nurtures Outerplay.

My Life Focus

Play is the spiritual quest to become a child again.

Fragments from imaginary dialogues

What is for you what Movement is for Ido Portal?


Just as Ido sees himself as a Movement Practitioner, I see myself as a Play Practitioner.

I am an Explorer and Navigator of the Universe of Play.

As an Explorer, I am a Learner and Creator. I explore play possibilities to amass Knowledge and expand my play possibility space.

As a Navigator, I organize the Knowledge to optimize access for myself and others. In that, I’m also a Teacher and Guide.

To what end?

Any Path pursued deep enough is a journey into the soul. I see it as a spiritual process.